OTA Contracts

Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Contracts


Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC)

Based in Huntsville, AL, and operated by Quantum Research International, the National CSOC is a state-of-the-art cyber security facility that integrates highly experienced technical personnel, sophisticated hardware and software capabilities, and the latest cyber defensive tools, techniques, processes, and procedures into a single facility. The National CSOC provides an active and pro-active defense capability protecting and improving the resilience of network systems against ever-changing cyber-attacks.

Computing Architecture Operation Center (CAOC)

Based in Huntsville, AL, and operated by Quantum Research International, the CAOC is a state-of-the- art, on-premise cyber-secure Cloud facility that integrates highly experienced and cleared technical personnel with the capabilities derived from sophisticated hardware and software tools. The CAOC project is also developing Cloud-based network defensive tools, techniques, processes, and procedures, as well as the unique detection and mitigation techniques required to defeat cloud-based attacks.

Tradewind OTA

Quantum Research International, Inc. was selected as the first project awarded under the Tradewind Other Transaction Authority (OTA) agreement. The Tradewind OTA is sponsored by the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO). The project entitled, Collecting, Securing, and Monitoring the Autonomous & Artificial Intelligence Test (AAIT) & Evaluation Data at the Tactical Edge – Testbed (CATE-T) directly supports the implementation of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) by providing a venue for the Test and Evaluation (T&E) and Verification and Validation (V&V) for algorithm development through the utilization of DEVSECOPS and system integration activities to responsible AI/ML programs and products. The project scope includes the building and monitoring a secure enterprise data repository on the cloud consisting of contextually rich, curated, militarily significant data to support training, validation, and testing of Autonomous and AI (AAI) algorithms for the Department of Defense’s AAI T&E DevSecOps data scientists, and software developers. The resulting contextually rich data are intended to provide the department’s AAI software development community the data necessary to support their AI algorithm training, testing and validation, adherent to the 80/10/10 rule within a protected and monitored cyber cloud environment. TRMC envisions a next generation, secure cloud-based enterprise System called “Test & Evaluation as a System” (T&EaaS). T&EaaS supports and accelerates the rapid testing of Autonomous and AI technologies across the department. A significant component of T&EaaS consists of cybersecurity and data management support that can support AAI Modeling & Simulation, and Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) ranges and experiments.